I want you to know the decision was based on ratings. We need the public at home to know that none of their beloved characters are safe. Please don't be mad. It's not like the show was going to last forever anyway. I want you to know your character was our favorite and we're so sad to let you go but the way TV shows work these days it won't be too long before you find another job. I want you to know we still have an option to bring you back for an episode or two but we won't hold it against you if you choose to snipe at us in E! Entertainment. You can collect your severance payment and please leave your badge at the door. Parting from the show may be heartwrenching but in the end it will be the best for all. I want you to know it was a pleasure working with you. Don't blame us, it's our screenwriters fault. They are like mad monkeys, those poor men. We do know that the kiss form episode three was uncalled for and we forced them to c...
"La realidad es sólo una fantasía exageradamente bien peinada"